
Gets an user’s profile and information.

GET /users/jeffalo

Gets an user’s followers. (You can get the amount of followers through the stats.followers key)

GET /users/jeffalo/followers

Get the users that a certain user is following. (You can get the amount of people that the user is following through the stats.following key)

GET /users/jeffalo/following

See if an user is following another user.

GET /users/jeffalo/followers/jeffolo

Gets an user’s profile picture. (If the user doesn’t exist, it will return a generated SVG profile picture instead)

GET /users/jeffalo/picture

Gets an user’s banner. (Appears blank if no banner was set)

GET /users/wasteof.money/banner

Gets an user’s posts per page.

GET /users/jeffalo/posts?page=1

Gets the name of an user?

GET /users/jeffalo/name

Gets the feed of an user.

GET /users/jeffalo/following/posts

Follows an user.

POST /users/jeffalo/followers

Sets a bio.

PUT /users/jeffalo/bio

Sets a new username for you. As long as it’s available.

PUT /users/jeffalo/name

Creates a new user.

POST /users

Sets a new profile picture. Must be an image!

PUT /users/jeffalo/picture