
Gets a post.

GET /posts/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7

Gets all of the comments to a post per page.

GET /posts/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7/comments?page=1

Gets all of the replies to a comment per page.

GET /comments/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7/replies?page=1

Makes a new post with any text you input.



POST /posts

Edits a post. Requires your token in the Authorization header.

PUT /posts/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7
BODY {post: "new content string"}

Deletes any post of yours.

DELETE /posts/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7

Deletes any comment in a post of yours.

DELETE /comments/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7/

Pins any post of yours.

POST /posts/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7/pin

Unpins any post of yours.

POST /posts/60c4d33f1ea77fed94251ab7/unpin

Reports any post.

POST /posts/612b7b3f1148ae87a61ab063/report
BODY {type: "none", reason: "they took my lunch money"}

Loves / Unloves any post on wasteof2.

POST /posts/612b7b3f1148ae87a61ab063/love

See if an user loved a post or not.

GET /posts/612b7b3f1148ae87a61ab063/loves/jeffalo

Reposts an post. (The repost argument must be a vaild post ID)

POST /posts
BODY {post: "<p>hello world</p>", "repost": "612e01a8e5d5662da8e66306"}